Positioning of grades
The premium hard part turning grade chain that have been introduced by Seco Tools cover most applications in the H05-H35 area, but for low cutting speed applications it is also complemented by the existing and well proven grades CBN010 and CBN150.
When to implement which grade is not easy to show by a simple translation table. The application and the complete setup have to be studied based on component, clamping, tooling, machine conditions and so on, to be able to decide the optimal choice of grade.
If the setup is weak, the risk of micro vibrations is bigger and therefore a tougher grade is needed. If a component has been transferred from grinding to hard turning, the component tends to be less gentle to the cutting edge at interrupted cuts. For example, holes and similar may not be designed with chamfers, which would be much more forgiving for the cutting edge and an even tougher grade is needed due to the increased stress levels at the cutting edge.
For more information, please contact your local Seco representative, or our Advanced material (PCBN/PCD/CERAMIC) team.
CH2540 will replace CBN160C
28 standard items of CBN160C will be outgoing during 2016.
These items will be replaced by CH2540.
Outgoing date;
- 1 pcs 2016-06-30 (low sales – will not be replaced)
- 13 pcs 2016-10-31
- 14 pcs 2016-12-31

Internally communicated in SECO-Change of no 11-0012.
If You have issues replacing existing CBN160C business with the successor CH2540 or some other standard grade, pls contact Your local SECO representative, or our Advanced Mtrl team.
Author: Eva Söderberg Administration SECOMAX PCBN/PCD/CERAMIC SECO TOOLS AB 737 82 Fagersta, Sweden Office +4622340491 Mobile +46702784500 email:eva.soderberg@secotools.com |
Secomax™ CH2540
CH2540 the CBN160C successor with improved tool life
CH2540 is based on a new grade platform using bimodal grain distributions, it contains 65 % cBN of submicron size with 15 µm grains added to the structure. This adds both wear resistance and toughness.
For even tougher application areas (H35 application area) CH3515 has been introduced.
Due to higher terminal conductivity compared with CBN160C, CH2540 requires higher cutting speed to achieve correct temperature in the cutting zone.
If it´s not possible to increase the cutting speed an alternative can be to choose the grade CBN150 that with its structure and low CBN content can handle lower cutting speed and interruptions.
For more information, please contact your local Seco representative, or our Advanced material (PCBN/PCD/CERAMIC) team.
![]() Per Ola Jönander Product Specialist SECOMAX PCBN/PCD/CERAMIC SECO TOOLS AB 737 82 Fagersta, Sweden Office +4622340818 Mobile +46703163555 email:perola.jonander@secotools.com |
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